The Silent Mountain


A meditative space, where awareness and watching are the path and the practice. An individual journey into the depths of what and who we are. A deep exploration and confrontation with our own mind's and heart's illusions and dreams.

Remembering, and diving into the underground stream of the silence and peace of our true nature. Meditation itself is the Retreat, a revealing, an uncovering of our innate wisdom.

An intense process of Zazen sitting, Zen walking, Haiku, (the Zen enlightened form of poetry), and Osho insights and guidance. Most of the retreat will be in silence. Some previous experience in meditation is required.

Meditation itself is the Retreat

The Retreat, characterized by silence and deep introspection, last for seven days, during the full moon of May. The first five days are the proper retreat, in a small Zen monastery in the Jizu-Shan mountain, called "Wisdom Lamp Temple" . The last two days we will visit and meditate in some special places of the mountain :
"Mahakasyapa gate. The Zen source. Xu-Yun ("Empty Cloud") temple. Xu-Yun meditation cave retreat. Silent Zen Old Tree. No-shadow tower. "

"Zen knows about the wine, but it is not of desire, it is of a silence.
It is of a desire-less deepening of your life.
It is a silent song without sounds.
It is a music without instruments.
It is pure being."

About Jizu-Shan Mountain

Jizu-Shan (鸡足山)is a famous Buddhism Mountain, in South China. It is one of the five Buddhist mystic mountain, E'mei, Wutai, Jiuhua, Putuo and Jizu. Jizu-Shan is the mountain of the legendary monk Mahakasyapa, who brought Buddhism from India to southern China, about 2.500 years ago. By the seventh century both Buddhist and Taoist pilgrims travel to honor this place. It's a sacred place for Tibetan Buddhism as well. Mahakasyapa is one of the most revered of the Buddha's early disciples, and the beginner of the Zen tradition.

Sakyamuni Buddha in His "Flower Sermon" , in which He did not talk, held up a white flower in His hand, and just admired it. Mahakasyapa laughed, and Sakyamuni Buddha chooses Him as one who truly understood Him and who was worthy to be His successor.

The words of Sakyamuni Buddha addressed to Mahakasyapa were: "I possess the true Dharma eye, the marvelous mind of Nirvana, the true form of the formless, the subtle Dharma gate that does not rest on words or letters, but is a special transmission outside of the scriptures. This I entrust to Mahakasyapa." Thus, a way within Buddhism developed which focus on direct experience rather than on rational beliefs or revealed scriptures. Zen is a method of meditation based on direct experience... Mahakasyapa was the first Patriarch, leading the line of transmission.

Osho comments and quotes this story many times in His discourses. In one occasion, remembering Mahakasyapa story, He told to His sannyasins "Whatever I could say I've told you. Whatever I could not say, I've given to you."

Videha. Osho disciple since 1980. Initiated into the Mevlevi Sufi Order of Konya ("The Whirling Dervishes"), Videha integrates the Sufi Path into Osho's vision and love. For years as a Zazen meditation practitioner, he has traveled and trained in Mongolia, China, Taiwan, Central Asia, Tibet, where he got many initiations. He is leading groups, seminars, camps and meditation retreats all over the world since more then 25 years, uniting the path of love and the path of meditation.

"All the work is inspired by Osho teachings , my Master and an endless source of compassion and wisdom, an inexhaustible mine of Dharma teaching treasures".

"Meditation: The Silence of the mind, the Silence of the heart." ∼ Osho