OSHO Meditation Retreat

Based on "The Book of Wisdom", Osho’s commentary on Atisha teaching "Seven Points of Mind Training"

These "Seven Points of Mind Training" are the fundamental teaching that Atisha gave to Tibet. They are of immense value. They are the whole of religion condensed. They are like seeds, but they contain the infinite. The moment you move into the statements deeply, when you contemplate and meditate and start experimenting with them, you will be surprised, you will be going into the greatest adventure of your life…
…Meditate on Atisha, listen to His advice; they are of immense value. It is not a philosophy, it is a manual to discipline yourself, it is a manual of inner transformation. …These sutras are golden. Keep them in your heart, they will nourish you, they will strengthen you, they will transform you. … It is the teaching that can help you grow into Wisdom.


Meditation is a confrontation with ourself.

A flight into the sky of our inner being; an individual exploration and journey into the depths of our heart and mind, into what and who we are. It is a process of going deeper and deeper into this reality, by dropping conditionings, fears, illusions, ideas, dreams, layers after layers... Meditation means to be here and now, to be present to the moment. A deep and intimate silence in our being, and a revealing, an uncovering, of our innate wisdom.

"Meditation is an ever present underground stream; what we need is to dig enough in ourselves to find this eternal source again. Finding it, is to find the greatest joy in life."∼Osho

This camp, a deep immersion into Osho’s revolutionary and innovative meditations, is based on Osho’s commentary and explanation on the XI century Tibetan text of Atisha "Seven Point of Mind Training (Lo Jong)" (Pha-chos Bu-chos). An invaluable guide, and a light for all inner paths, for every meditator, which can completely transform the mind and heart. An opening to the limitless space of our inner being.

Some of the main issues in this retreat

Videha. Osho disciple since 1980. Initiated into the Mevlevi Sufi Order of Konya ("The Whirling Dervishes"), Videha integrates the Sufi Path into Osho's vision and love. For years as a Zazen meditation practitioner, he has traveled and trained in Mongolia, China, Taiwan, Central Asia, Tibet, where he got many initiations. He is leading groups, seminars, camps and meditation retreats all over the world since more then 25 years, uniting the path of love and the path of meditation.

"All the work is inspired by Osho teachings , my Master and an endless source of compassion and wisdom, an inexhaustible mine of Dharma teaching treasures".

"Meditation: The Silence of the mind, the Silence of the heart." ∼ Osho